As A Man Thinks

As A Man Thinks

by Ran Butler Stovall

This message is about the importance of learning to “think-a-long” with God. Perhaps you remember the diagram that I use sometimes in a counseling session of a man with a hole in the top of his head–the hole where stimulating information enters the brain. Healthy brains all work the same way, in stages: 1.-2.-3.-4. . . . awareness, evaluation, emotion, behavior.


Let’s say that it is Monday morning, 10:30 AM. and circumstance #832 comes at you. Your brain in stage 1. registers “awareness.”  Up to now there is no reaction of emotions or behavior because there has been no activity in stage 2., evaluation.

Your initial evaluation comes lightening fast, automatically, up from the depths of the “conscious” and “sub-conscious” memory banks of the mind, up from the “belief system.”  This “out of the blue” evaluation will be either positive or negative, depending on what is in your “belief system.”  (Other biological factors can influence the brain’s degree of “sharpness, such as illness, menstrual cycle, age, etc.)

Initial evaluation might be safe or dangerous, valuable or worthless, beautiful or ugly, right or wrong, fair or unfair. Generally speaking, negative evaluation will give impetus to negative emotions, or positive evaluation to positive emotions (stage 3.).

Emotions give impetus to stage 4.–very early stage “behaviors” or signals that trigger preparation in the large motor muscle groups, in the digestive track, in the respiratory system, etc.,  to get ready to”run or fight.”  This is the commonly understood “stress.”

Good stress is good because the situation calls for running or fighting. Bad stress is bad because running or fighting is not appropriate response to the situation, but your body gets ready anyway. Too much stress can scramble your brain.

It is not a good idea to let early childhood (irrational) learning guide the way you evaluate your adult life (circumstances, relationships, beliefs), but please be aware of how very enduring and powerful childhood learning is, and so, how very difficult it is to successfully divorce it and follow after a better “Belief System.”

Having said that, I am reminded of how grateful I am that my Lord Jesus has made it possible for me to see my problem, and to see His solution, and to take up the life-long task of “renewing my mind,”  and perhaps helping others along the same pathway, that of recognizing the benefits to mankind of learning to think like God thinks, to think in agreement with God’s Truth.

Writing like this is hard to do. It is so important to find the wording and sentencing that creates accuracy and clarity. I don’t know that I have achieved both those so vital things for this subject. I hope this “blog” is of some help to you, today.

I hope you have a good day, in the Lord Jesus.

P.S. The little diagram is a modification of  Dr. Albert Ellis’ publication on “Rational Emotive Therapy.”  The good doctor leaves off the “Truth” part. He sees only the choices, negative and positive.

Morning Mist on the Sea of Galilee


Photo by Sandra Stovall

(May, 2009)

“No, we have fished all night and have caught nothing.”

“Throw your nets on the other side of your boat.”

A Little Poem for The King of Love

A thousand and a thousand years ago,

the King of Love came down.

His thousand and thousands acts of love

bought Him His crown, His crown

of thorns, magnificent thorns.

(by ran stovall)