Tag Archives: Jesus

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words – true or false ?

Art & Ester 2009 010

“On Jordan’s Stormy Banks I Stand–”

This is an artist’s view if the Jordan River as it nears its demise in the Dead Sea. The trees along bankside are thinning out in number and size. The grass and bushes have given way to Summer’s heat. The water slowly carries along its load of mineral-salts and silted soil, and will soon dump it into the ever-hungry chasms of the Great Rift.

It is said that Jesus was baptized by John “where there was much water.” Perhaps it was here. Can you hear the voice of John, as he cries out, “Behold the Lamb of God–Who takes away the sin of the world.”

Perhaps pictures and words together give us a deeper Truth than either one alone.

“–and Cast A Wishful Eye.”

Do you know the old hymn? It has been a message of hope for believers down through twenty centuries.

Do you have Spiritual paintings in your home? Paintings with a message of hope?