Tag Archives: souls saved

The Main Thing

In learning to think in agreement with God its important to remember what is that thing at the top of God’s agenda. Knowing this top thing is an essential element in understanding why God does what He does; and to knowing how to get in on what He’s doing.

The main thing is the building-up of the church, the bride of Christ–that is, souls saved and souls discipled.

We live in the the time of history of this event. It started 2000 years ago. It will perhaps be completed quite soon.

What does this mean to you? A lot! Not Much. Pretty important. Nothing really. Confusion.

What are the things in your life that mean more to you than the building-up of the church?

For me, the church is most important. I can say that. I can choose that. I can think a-long with God for a string of moments, a short string, but then I forget. I get distracted. A man wrote a book about it. He entitled the book, “The Tyranny of the Urgent.” His point was that there is a plethora of mundane life events that powerfully demand our attention–like the ringing of a telephone. I get distracted and often stay distracted for too long a time.Oh, woe. You are different, I know. Good!